Windows Disk Quota Manager Logo

This is the first release of the Windows 2003 disk quota manager.

This command line tool allows Windows Systems Administrators to set Windows based disk quotas. The software can do so either locally or remotely. To operate against remote machines the target machine must run the Windows Server 2003 OS. You can run this tool from either a Windows XP client or Windows Server 2003 machine

Only disk quota manager allows Windows Systems Administrators to set quotas on remote machines. You can integrate this tool with other scripts you may have in use today.

You can download the latest version 0.1 here.

Command line usage:
DiskQuotaManager.exe [/s servername] [/l limit] [/w warning] /d drive /u username

/s servername Set the server to operate against, default is localhost
/l limit Set the quota limit in bytes, default is 10MB
/w warning Set the quota warning in bytes, default is 9MB
/d drive The drive on which to set the quota, required
/u username The user for whom to set the quota, required.
Format domain\user